The Soli Di Grattia and the Vision of the just Phaters Reformateds.

The Soli Di Grattia Permited to the Just Phater Reformers the valors to the Scriptures and the traducction of the texts . yuors Love by the Life christains . in Pugned and Great Opossition. of the Great Eclesial Churth of Rome.
and the formers Special of Intrepics of the Dr Martin Luther in the Illustred Germany. and of Equal Vocations . to the Experts and valient Jhon Huss . in the Nations of Polony. and to others in the valors of the Bible and the Apologetycals . Christians. in ours Conciencies. and in the past yuors Conciencies. in when to the Factor of the Bible in the Scene Inmemorials. Divine of the Great Proscripted Opossition . of Rome . and the Futures Orders . Sectarians. in the valors of the Bible . and the falses Hereticals. Theachings . Differents. to the postured of the Small Churth in the Chatacumbes . of Rome. the just phater Learnings . in this Just Leccions and yuor defence to the Scriptures in the Period Moderns and Medievals . 1517-1614. the love by the Scriptures and the Peoples . is today ours Major true of love.
and justice. Divine thatis part of ours Savuior and lord Jesus Christ. in the nexts longs 500 years.of the Vocations.Christians. Reformated s in the Direction to the Bible and the just person. in yuor ours Saviuor Jesus Christ.
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