The Christology in The Originals Fountains.

Resultado de imagen para concilio de niceaThe Christology is on of the Studys Mores Importands Respect To Ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ. in the Defence of the Divinity. of the Seudo -Theach  and the  Heregia of Arrio. in 1315 to-1325  in the Relations . of the  Apologetycals Defences of the True in ours Saviuor Jesus Christ. in the False Doxology of The  Anti-Christ  of Theach in Arrio. in The Conciliuns of Nicea.  in the Great Nexts Periods of The Magnus. Emperator Constantines Emperator Romen. in the Differents of the Erraticals Fountains. Anti-Biblicals. Respect to Great Heretical Doctrine of ones 1692 years in your Activitys. in
the Great Hereticals Arrianisticals  possition  is today on longs point Anti- Apologetycals  Graduals in the Nexts Generations Moderns. Equal that in the Inmemorials Times of the Past.
the Great Preocupations of the Just Phater of the Churth in Vocation Future . is the Times past the Great Heregias of Arrio. and false Known, Anti-Christians in the Grave Confutions. Seudo-Apologetycals. in the Today Conciencies . of others person. in the Adsoluted Denegations.  Anti -Apologetycals.
in the longs History of the Romen. Empire. in the II-III Centurys the Rebelions . Heretical of Arrio . is on of the Great Controversys in ours Eges. Actuals. in times Past . the Arrianos . theys . in yuor Greats Confution. Make Wars . and Conspiracys. intry the others Just Christians. in the Imperium of Orient . and Part of Occident. in the Controvertials Heregias. in the history Comon. Must in your Hereticals. Fountains. Former Great Comflicts. in the past and Death.  in the Great Error. Adsoluted. of this Heretical Formation Anti -Christians. in the Adsoluted.  in  When to yours Seudo -Doctrines. Not Biblicals. in ours Conciencies and justices. 


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