The Defence of the Bible in Ours just Conciencies. of the Heregias

102016128_univ_lss_lg.jpgThe Bible is Exactly . in ours Defences and  Conciencies . is the Apologetycals  in when to Today Denegations . in the Countrys Inspirated.  and Ours just Conciencies Theologals. in the Study of the Bible. in the  Character Reformated.
in the Vision Inspirated . and the Pugnes of ours Individuals Conciencies . to the True . Sthablecings in the Scriptures. and Yours Manuscripteds. Inspirateds.
in love to So Must Person. to whe are Love in the Sincerity. Really in the valors of just Comandaments today Denegateds . in the World Christians and your Organization Seudo-Apologetycals. in the that respect to the Directs Major Fountain Biblicals. in ours defences. of the Extern Confution and Rebelions of the Major Enemy Spiritual. in yuors Countrys  Denegateds . to the Originals true  Definitheds in the Country Christians  Originals  Apologetycals .  when are Love Not Ocult the true to the Eyes of others just person. Love by Just Sincerity and Original Vocation Christians. Faith . Not Denegateds to others in the Reasonings Divine in the Scriptures . in your Originals Fountains. Divine. that in the Years and Centurys is Changes by Order Not Christians. in yuor Variant Deformateds  Changes and Confutions and the Point Anti -Apologetycals. to the defences of ours Lord And Saviuor is on Point Seriuos. in the Originals Vocations Reformated in the Justice of the Bible . how Texts Holy. and True  in ours Saviuor Jesus Christ . of The Changes  and Philoshopies Not Christians. Anti -Apologetycals. that Exercises Great Confution the Bible is the Model of Love and justice of the Heregias. Not christians. in yuors Texts Exercises Major Conciencies and True. in the just Country Spiritual ours Pugnes Not is Phisys yeah Not Spirituals. in the Rebelions Hereticals today. in the Sincerity justices and Vocation . in ours Conciencies . and Right of Freedoms Expretion today Not Denegateds to the Nivel Globals. and internationals. in the Theology Reformated . and the Defences Not to the Men and Yuors  Seudo- Organizations  yeah Not to ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ  to who are  Live the Plenitudity of the True today . Changes by the falses System Not Christians. in your Auttority. and Control. Denegateds. 


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