The Point of Archeology Biblicals and History.
in The firts I Century . D. E .C the Historian Joshepus .Flaviuos . in yuor Books. the Wars of Jewisth Exponed the Great Phunisher Reallys . in the Cruxificed and of Equal manery. Suetoniuos . and pliniuos . in the Longs Days of the Emperator Trajanus. this is on Evidentials in the Really .in the the firts Centurys .
Note in the Anno Domini.70 Existing on longs Seriuos Informers Respect To its Types in your Originals. Acts and testimony. Milies of The Men in yuor Brutal Phunishers in longs Eges. and Anno Domini 72 A D.E Milies of Men . in the Equal possition . in Inmemorials Times of the Proconsul Pompey Claudiuos. and the Beginings of the Gobernations. of the New Emperator Ocvtavianus Augustus Konwings in the just Evangeliuons . and the Secullars history. to the Nexts Explendors .of the Emperator Tiberiun Graccus. and the youngs Crazy Nero.
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