The Translation. Biblicals Apologetycals.

Resultado de imagen para biblia de luteroThe Biblicals translation Apologetycals. in the Studys in Major Originals Conservation is the Bible of the Nexts Copys . 1517.-1534 in your  Vernacules translation . and Origings. Apologetycals . in Based of the Besfored Translation. Major  in the Sextuaginted Greek . of the 70 -72  Elders
in the firts Examples. and Conservation of yuor texts . Idiomatics. in vernacules Germany.  Luther . view on Odservations . in the Small familys . of the North of Germany . and the Surth   in yuor Dialecticals Postured.  and Odservation to translated of the texts in yuor Idiomaticals   Formations   in yuor Activity Apologetycals.  in the texts and translated. to yuor Idiomatics Formations. in the lenguages and Expretions . Vernaculeds in the formations. and Vertions. 
Imagenthe Scriptures . in your major dimentions and Originallitys . part of the Center of the Christians  Reallys  in when to ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ that is the major Center  in yuor  Exact translation . that Occupy on major Model divine and Perspicazy,  the vertion Original is Copy of the faith Sextuaginte and the Nivel of others Nexts Copy. Calls Vulgarun Seventhing Latinus. in the Expretion Correct of the translated. just. to the lenguages Faith lenguages . Apologetycals. in the translation and the texts, in yuor Exactituditys and Postular Verbs. Originals. in the Germany of the Years 1534 the translation of Luther is On of the Major and Spirituals Exact translation in the Copy. and Illustrations. Reformateds. 


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