My Menssager of Love Christian and Valors to the Brother Ex -JW of Polony

Resultado de imagen para poloniaDear Brothers ours just Conciencies to the Original Trueth Christian in the Bible Occupy on Model of love and Adgnegation . by the Others person to who are Love in just Reason of Love and Conciencies. in yuor valors of the Pardons and Justices .
when in the Remenberings . of the Crisis of Conciencies . in the the just love that on Day the Dr Edurad Raymond Franks . Adverticed in yuor just Book Christians in the Crisis of Conciencies of others . in valors and love in the justice . and the  Pardons 
the Great Controvercy World that Today Occupy  in ours Conciencies internationals . in the Today the Seriuos Sucess. that in Great manery . views . in the Great Frauds. and theach Not inspirateds in the Canon of the Bible  Respect to valors in the Controvertials . formations of the Events . in that only ours Reallymind Hope is part of ours Saviuor jesus Christ in yuor True Love and the just Comandaments. just in the valors to on life Reallymind Christians. in the Faith Promecy in the Salvations Divine of love and justice. in ours today Dignity Conciencies Christians . in the love pardon and Trueth by the Today  Actives JW  in the Awakings of ours Conciencies in love and justice that is part of Lord ours lord Jesus Christ. today.
in the valors and love to the Scriptures that is ours major Guide and True pardon that is ours lord Jesus Christ in yuors  Hearts Sinceritys  and of valors. in justice and valors Christians. today. in hope that is ours Lord Jesus. Christ. to JW Actives love and ours just today Awakings of the Conciencies . present. in the Bible.


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