The Valors to the Scriptures , is on Passing Importands in the Vision Scattologycals and Achademicals. on Example is the Actual University of Wesleys in United States . in the Achademicals valors and Reformations. in the Activity Achademicals . Presbhisterians. and the University of Andrews in the funtion . Theologals . in When to the Formations of the Activity Achademicals . in the Scriptures and the Study of the Bible Schollings. in the Moornings of This Day in the Firts Day Comon of the Weeks in the valors of the instituted of Jhon Knox in the vision Achademicals . in the pemsun . in the Memorians of the Firts Phaters Reformateds in the 500 Years. in the Biblicals Institutions. Reformateds in the Achademicals Standarth Universitys. in the Study of Manuscripted Holys and the Valors of the Bible in the Scene just of the Humanitys in the Direction to the Holys Scriptures and Faith firts Peson Divine of ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ. in the valors Achademicals of the Life Christians. in the funtions . of Honors. in the humillity Vocation Christians of the justices Divine. in the Major education Theologal and internationals . of the history in the instrucction Apologetycals Christians. in the valors of the Bible. Originals Manuscripted and divine Formations of love. theJhon Knox Instituted International Miami Florida. E.U.A Ibero American Instituted Barranquilla Colombia in the wesley university Reformated. InterContinetal Indiana. in Conextion to the Intituted of the Jhon Knox. Education Theologycals. Reformateds. Dr Edgar Palacios Mizrait and the Dr Paul Mendoza julios. ours Professor and the Dr Yehudy Avedaño and Edgar David . Palacios in the Team Presbhisterian. in the Conextion . Direct to the University of the States of Indiana United States of American. Study Investtigation. Theologals.

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