The Bible Ours Major Homenages

ImagenThe Jhon Knox. Instituted  Prebhisterians. in the Missing Educative TheologalsUniversitarys . is the Exercises of the paper. Mores Great in the Activity Theologals . and theocratics in the Pemsun Universitary. in Theology and Nivels . Prebhisterian Reformateds.
descarga (51).jpgin the Activity Actual. in the Missing . Achademical Schollings. Bible and Study theologycal in Conextion Actual of University Wesleyana of the States of idiana United States . in fraternal Missing of the Ours Great friends the Dr Edgar Mizraith . and the Dr Paul Mendoza Julios ours fraternal Professors  yehudy Salazar Avedaño. and Edgar  David   junior Son . to Theys thanks , in just valor humillitys. and the Sede in the Actual Florida Miami  and the City of  Barranquilla Ibero American  Country. and The  vision of the texts of the Bible and the Firts Events ,.in the history. Odl textamentarys in The  Pemsun Achademical Reformateds. thanks in the Mores Great just valors and Honors..


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