in the Primitive Churth Christian of the Century I Firts . the Theachings is part of ours Saviuor And Lord Jesus Christ.

The Word Divine of Salvations . in the Perspicazy Proclamations Christians . in the Valors Spiritual and Faith . in the Proclamations . just in the Trueth and Apologetycals Christians in ours Lord Jesus Chrsit that is the Center of the Adsoluted Proclamations . in the truth and the vocation Christians . to Dfferent of the Falses . types . of the theachings Not Based in the Scriptures . and Not Inspirated in the Originals Study of the Canon. . in the major Hope in Direction to ours Lord Jesus Christ. in the Major representation Publics in the texts ofthe inspirated Gospels in the Search of the Study Centrals Apologetycals . in the herats and the Original Truth . in the defence of the canon. Inspirated. not only in ours Hnads yeah in the Proclamations Eternals. in the Trueh and Theach Divine in the Direction to the Manuscripteds and the Conextion of texts Holy in the instrucction Christians . the just Apostels Paul. Theach in the just Humillity and Hope. in the Letter to thimoty the reallys love Chrsitains is on Passing to Nexts Generations . in Everything the Times in just valors humillity theologals and Adgnegation in this Firts Day of the Week Comon. in the valors of love and justice Divine. in faith and Suprema person of ours Saviuor Jesus Christ. in the instrucction Apologetycal in the just Apostle Paul. and Mission of the Gospel in ours Lord and Saviuor jesus Chrits . in asian Menors. thimoty intro 20 and 45 years is yuonks just in the proclamations . Christian in ours Saviuor jesus Christ . to New Generation in the Humillity and valors. Christians Faith.
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