The Sabbath Originals 7 Day in The Perspectives Reformers . in Peter Waldo. and the History of the Firts Reformates

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The Firts Phater of the Reformers in my Next Menthion how the Dr Peter Waldo. in the Longs Days . in that The Great Proscriptions .of talls Rome Beginings the Reformer in Great Part of the Just Territorys and Mountains. in the Tall Alpes Zutherlands. in the Limited of Freanch and in the just Part of  Italy.  the Sabbath  Biblicals is  the 7 Day . Original and Not is the First day of Week Comon. the Dr Peter Waldo Known this Intteresnatings Possition . Hermeneuticals in the Scriptures in yuor Faith Studys. Theologals . in Respectived Possition and the originals Theach. Christian in the Based to Just E Inmemorial Comandaments. in funtion Organicals in the Point major of the Bible  originallymid in the Manuscripted Holys . in the Magnus Study Apologetycal of the Bible in the Scene Hermeneuticals . and Doctrinals . in the just and Original Comandaments. Inspirateds. to the Lihgt of ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus . in ours just  Hearts  .

Imagenand just Conciencies the Sabbath is the Original Day . to the totals Different of Day Solars Dominus .Sunday  in the Not Imitations. of the Supra Changes of the times. Eclesiaticals.the just Phater Undhertading this Importand Point Reallys in the Apologetycals Theachings Divine in ours Hearts. just. to the Lihgts Divine of the Scriptures and Eges of theTimes today and in ours future Present Century XXI. in the Just Memory of the Phaters and the Holy ours lord Jesus  Christ  in the  theologycal  Educations.


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