The Texts in the New Textament in the Books New Textamentarys and Letters of Thimoty. Apologetycals

In the Firts Century D .E. C the Great Comission Divine in the Firts Act  Ministerials  in the Service Apostolicals . in Paul to yuor Son Spirituals Thimoty  in the Example Ministerials of the Eges Apostolicals . in the Divine Comission.
Canon Antiguo Testamento Biblia y Solo la Biblia.pngin the Koine Classics in the traducction of the Dr Saint Jeronimus Dalmatian of Alexandries. in yuor vertion of Greek Koine {Apostelo}  . in yuor Service Holys to the Comission . of the Gospels in ours lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ . in the valors Biblicals and  The Reguisters in the Universal Texts and Letters Apostlicals . in the Originals Translation in the vertions . Biblicals Exautived .Vine  in the Greek Koine Classic.
is intro the Examplars Yuonk in the Firts I Century the valors and Adgnegation Biblicals in the just Days in the Firts I  Churths  and  Christians Congreagations.  the just Mens love the Truth in the Salvations in Christ Jesus . and yuor Knownings Part of the Truth Doctrine Christians . in the person of the Saviuor the lord Jesus Chrits . Thimothy . is menthion  Not only in the Scriptures yeah in theNexts  Reguister Historial of the Dr Jhon Foxe. in yuor longs and yuonk life Ministerial Thimoty love to christ in yuor Perspicazy and Ministery .  and in yuor Death . by the propagators of the Culte pagans in valient Missing of  love yuor Service holy . in the Defence of pagans . idolatries. in times in who are the Great Pagans Causes Existing. in the Reguister Original of the Bible thimothy is the yuongs . in the Nexts line of the just Apostles Paul. Conmings yuor Service in the Congreagation Primitive. in Asian Menor. in yuor Assignature SoMust in Christ . livings .yuor Great Example Divine  of on Really  Spiritual  Son  . in  the Service Ministerial in the person and guide Divine of ours Lord and Saviuor jesus Chrsits.  is intteresanting the Service of thimothy . in the love and Faith in the justice Adgnegated  and theologals and yuor Service to the person and the Scriptures.
Timoteo se prepara para enseñarNote the Nexts Letters to thimoty is Writtings by the just Son Spiritual of paul Thimothy in the Prision in Rome .63 D.E.C only 2 Men 1 the Dr Lukas  and 2 the yuonk Conssagrated Thimoty in the final of yuor ministery thimoty . conming . yuor Service . in Asian Menor here Existing in the firts I Century On Humillity Congreagations Christian. in the Scripture Thimoty is on Example of on Geniune Apostlos. on just yuonk of love and faith perspicazy Divine. 


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