The Inmemorials Times of Isreal and the just Theachings in the Sinagogues in the Firts I Century in yuor major instrucction . Inspirated . in the Years 33 -and 37 in the Temple and the instrucction . of the Inspiration Biblicals . in the Schollings centrals . of Jerusalem in the Palestine. in when to instrucction. of the valors . Theocraticals . in the Assignatures , Inspirated . in the times of the Memorys . intro of the isreal.

the humillitys Menbers Listens to on only Voice the calls of Shoffars in the Cornels instrumentals. in the shama to isreal . intry the odl and Son just . in the Moornings. in the Offertory of temple. and yuor Love by the admirably justice. Divine. in when to the Inspiration Divine and Generations . of the texts . to the New Generation of the Barth MizhBath. Jerusalem . in yuor hours of prayings. just and Divine the Lihgts of the Great Menorath Inspirators. in the prayings Sacerdotals . and the Offertory in the Call OOh jerusaleni . Shema ooh isreal Adonai in the Entonations of on Inspirator Prayings in the PSlam 23 in yuor pleace of the Culte Divine. in hours . of the Moornigs of Sabbath in the valors to yuor Divine justice
in the times historial . the Enemys. Nevers Triumps today the history is Different.the Great hope is ours Saviuor jesus.Christ. in ours lifes in the Auttority of yuor Word. Divine and Apologetycals.
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