The Theach intro of the Jerusalem and Palestine. in the Bible
The Inmemorials Times of Isreal and the just Theachings in the Sinagogues in the Firts I Century in yuor major instrucction . Inspirated . in the Years 33 -and 37 in the Temple and the instrucction . of the Inspiration Biblicals . in the Schollings centrals . of Jerusalem in the Palestine. in when to instrucction. of the valors . Theocraticals . in the Assignatures , Inspirated . in the times of the Memorys . intro of the isreal.
the humillitys Menbers Listens to on only Voice the calls of Shoffars in the Cornels instrumentals. in the shama to isreal . intry the odl and Son just . in the Moornings. in the Offertory of temple. and yuor Love by the admirably justice. Divine. in when to the Inspiration Divine and Generations . of the texts . to the New Generation of the Barth MizhBath. Jerusalem . in yuor hours of prayings. just and Divine the Lihgts of the Great Menorath Inspirators. in the prayings Sacerdotals . and the Offertory in the Call OOh jerusaleni . Shema ooh isreal Adonai in the Entonations of on Inspirator Prayings in the PSlam 23 in yuor pleace of the Culte Divine. in hours . of the Moornigs of Sabbath in the valors to yuor Divine justice
in the times historial . the Enemys. Nevers Triumps today the history is Different.the Great hope is ours Saviuor jesus.Christ. in ours lifes in the Auttority of yuor Word. Divine and Apologetycals.
in the times historial . the Enemys. Nevers Triumps today the history is Different.the Great hope is ours Saviuor jesus.Christ. in ours lifes in the Auttority of yuor Word. Divine and Apologetycals.
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