The Valors and Conssagrattions of the Conciencies of the Christians Primitives. Century I years 37-64 D.E.C

The Conciencies just of ours Primitives Brothers . in the Service Holy and Inspirated  in yuor holys Conssagrattion . faith and the Nexts Testimony Divine in the Vocations Christians . in the valors Eternals . in the humillity person  of ours Saviuor Jesus Christ. in the Explendor of Great Romen Imperiun the valor to Explendor of the Faith Trueth in ours Saviuor is the Correct Postured of the Firts Son Holys. in Everything the Empire and the Small Citys. and  Greats Territorys

Tacitus  and Seutoniuos in the Country Secullars Historials Explings the ¿ why  of yuor just Conssagreations  in the United and truth Christians . and the valors Spirituals . is the I firts Great Different in when to the truth in the person of ours Saviuor . to Different of the Today Theachings Not inspirateds in the Direct Canon and  Manuscripteds . Inspirateds. and that in longs Period the declyved of  Graet Imperium Romen in yuors Destroys Moral and in tall Corruption.
in the Testimony of the Reguister historials and Divines  in the 2 Great Countrys Importands in yuor Apologetycals the Holys Scriptures . luthers known yuor Major Study . Apologetycals . in when to the Firts I Comunitys . in the Inmemorials Times of the Reformers. in the
Awakings of the Conciencies. and ours times Comtenporanys . in on World to nivels of Great Corruption type Religiuos and Statals. Globals. in the Awakings of the Conciencies just in the valors to ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ
in the testimonyof the Emperator Trajanus and  others Emperator in the Scriptures permited views on Exacty vision New textamentarys Apologetycals in the Reason of the Scriptures. and the valor Examplar in the just person of ours lord and Saviuor jesus. in ours mores Great Love and Vocations . in my Writtings of this is Nihgts of the firts Days of the Week  in The honor to The  Scriptures . and yuor Inmemorials defences Apologetycals.
Note Achademicals by longs Centurys the just  Phaters of the Reformer in Europeans Study the Events of the Churth Primitive in the majors Perspectives of Longs today 500 years Inmemorials in the valors Apologetycals Respect to christ . in the Seriuos Eges of the Times Inmemorials  Present and ours humillity Defence to Christ and by Everyhting Centurys  Eternals.
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