The Valors to The Peace and the Humanitarys Rhigth . Theologals.

and the Aspect Spychologycals . and Emotionals . in the Person .
in 2 Importands Countrys . the Respect of the Conciencies and the factor Humanitarys . in the Decreteds Internationals . and Formals . in theologals Funtions. of the Valors and Peace in Attentions. and valors to others in yours raeson. of Conciencies.
in the the Listens and the Valorations . of the respect to Others . in the Laws. and the Study . in the valors theologals. Biblicals. in the respect to Conciencies. in the Missing humanitarys . to Free Expretions. Comunications. and valors of peace. in humans Rhigts Internationals . today in honors to person and peoples. and peace and pardons.

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