The Valors to The Peace and the Humanitarys Rhigth . Theologals.

Resultado de imagen para Humans RightsThe  Humanitarys Rhigth in the Theologals Funtion . today Reformateds and Heplt to SoMust Person that Suffer is on Passing Importands in the Missing  and Repect to the Humans Rhigth Whacth in the Missing christian . of  the Valors Internationals in the  Free Conciencies.
and the Aspect Spychologycals . and Emotionals . in the Person .  
in  2 Importands Countrys .  the Respect of the Conciencies  and the factor Humanitarys . in the Decreteds Internationals . and  Formals .  in theologals Funtions. of the Valors and Peace  in Attentions. and valors to others  in yours raeson. of Conciencies.
in the the Listens  and the Valorations . of  the respect to Others .  in the Laws. and the Study . in the valors theologals. Biblicals. in the respect to Conciencies. in the Missing humanitarys . to Free Expretions.  Comunications. and valors of peace. in humans Rhigts Internationals . today in honors to person and peoples. and peace and pardons. 
descarga (42).jpgand Respect  to the valors of others.. person in the justice and Activity. in the Armony and valors Christians and the respect to Others person that Suffer , Intercontinetal Mind. in ours valor of love and justices. Vocationals Christians..and Humanitarys by humillity familys Farmers in the Liberty Expretion Theologals. in the fraternal Heplt Educationals.


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