The Reallys Causes in the Archives of the Temple in the Great Vision of the territorys of the Palestine in isreal . in the Century I Firts . Existings Millies . of Acts . that Permited Others Analitys in the Contexts of the Missing Divine . in my Nexts declarations Formals Theology and historials . in the past .is the City Bethelem . and others part Nexts is .the Great temple of the Magnus King Herodez, is just and Necessary views that the Great Vision. in the firts pleaces. 1.Pompey intro in the Santurum just in the Temple of Jerusalem. here . views on of the intteresantings . types . in the Reguister Historial Hebrews.

in the City jerusalem millies of Just Menbers Sacerdotals . in the temple. in the Legiuon list of the Proconsul Pompey. Claudiuos . in yuor Great Arrogancies Proconsulars . this Imponents Tribune. Not Acept . the Comissing of just Sacerdotals . Menbers in isreal its Events and Sucess . views in the history testimonials . in the 33 years Besfores of the Nativity of ours Humillitys Saviuor in the humillity City of Bethelem, judean this Suceess Relatades in the Chronicals . of the Testimony . of the firts hebrews in the firts Century. I. others historain Occidentals Expone the years of the Sucess. in the Anno domini 72 D.E.C in The Horribly Asasesiness in the Temple . in the vastion of yuor Leguionarys. the teample . on just pleace Holy . in the Besfores of the Nativity Virginals of ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ. in the Missing Divine . of the times. to ours Studings in the Scriptures today. by lord God Exercises . on Divine justice in Egypt the Heat Phisys of the Tribune Proconsular Pompey is Exposed in Egypt. in the longs Days of the Emperator Juliuo Cesear in the Reguister historials of the Marco. Aurelius in the testimony of the History.Inmemorials.

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