Ours Major honors To Christ. Miapic Internationals Apologetycals Seminary.

Resultado de imagen para MiapicThe investtigation Doctrinary and Apologetycals is Part of on Study just in the Formations of the Scriptures . and the valors to Christ in the Perspicazy of  the Scriptures . in yuor Majors Studings . and Examinings.
to the Apology Christians in the Valors to  Christ  of the fraud in  when to the Thesis -Dogmaticals . of the Mens  is on of the Major Importands Studys in the Scriptures  in the theologals vision . Apologetycals . Biblicals . today  Miapic Internationals is the Investtigation and Defences of the Order of the Scriptures in the today Infiltrations of Events . Not inspirateds . in the  Confutions .
today is Necessary the Investtigation Major and Exuatived in the Canon of the Scriptures. in the Major Conciencies Christian and Truth  to others person and Brothers . in the just vocation . to the Bible and ours defence to ours Conciencies of the falses point today views. and Denegated by the Seudo -doctrines and falses Masters  and Seudo -Profhetys  Not inspirated in the Order of Canon Biblicals Originals. to the lihgts of the Manuscripteds . in the  just and Divine person of ours Lord Jesus Christ in the Adsoluted truth and  Redentions.
in the Nexts Gospel  of the Mattew  in the Chapert 24 versicule 11 in the Great variation of the  Falses Profhets and Master in ours lost times.and Generations and Anti-Christ.   in totalOpossition to word of lord God and yuor order inspirated. in the humillity Defences Faith of the Scriptures. in times inmemorail the Expretion Hebrew Original  {Roeh.} and the designatured Original in the Scriptures in the Act and  Designation by Lord God. {Nabi}  is on  profhet in the Adverticed of  the truth in the Different of Seudo -{Nabi }-the Just Profhet in Comission is in yuor Adverticed Making on just Formals  declaration  in the Holys  Scriptures . and yuor word the Bible in the Greek Koine is Seudo Apostolos. on type of Profeth Not inspirated that Theach  not the Direct truth of the Scriptures . yeah Not liears and Great Fraud.
ours honors to Christ in yuor Adsoluted Glory and Supremacy. and  Divinity. IberoAmerican investtigation and North American Investtigation Theology Biblicals investtigation Apologetycal ours brother and Dr Carlos Garbiras and ours Team of investtigation Internationals Studing of Scriptures in the Theology. and  Apologetycals. internationals.


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