The Biblicals Experientials on Fountains of Valors and Conciencies.

in the Major Comission Divine in the perspicazy . and Thematicals of the Biblicals Experientials to ours Humillity Vision Christians. Faith in the firts Centurys I the fair Dicipules love not only your love to the Great Comission if not in when to their Perspectives and vocations Conmings the love by Christ in the Scriptures. in the year 33-34 D.E.C the love by the Christ is on just passing of valors . to the firts Christians. in yuor valient formations and honors to the Scriptures and just and Definited Theachings . beyonds that the Philoshopies Hereticals. christ is in the Hearts the Major Hope Equal What in ours Times. and Eges.present. to ours just love and Agnegations Christians originals. in the Reguister Divine of the Book of the Acts in the Scriptures Greek Christian in the Original Vertion Koine by the just Dr Lukas and the inspirated Comissing of love by the Impact in the activitys .Vocationals Eclesiaticals . {Eklessia} in vertion Originals of Greek in The Sextuagintes by the Study of the Dr Saint Jeronimus Dalmatians . who lives in the Humillity Region of palestine and in the Small City of Bethelem in the just and longs 40 years in the Copys of just Monges Reformateds Originals . in the texts Sacred in the Holys Manuscripted in the line of Christ. .
Note Achademicals Who are how Jeronimus love the just Scriptures in Theirs Illustreds Periods. Ministerials . in the best Vocations of the Holys Monges Reformateds . of Alexandries . and on Importand translated of the Leguage Koine Greek to the Inmemorials lenguages Latin Jeronimus . in their Days on importands Monges . and Dr in the firts Reformateds Phater . and on just Schollars in the Sacred Scriptures. in the Longs and firts and Faith Periods of the Centurys III- IV D.E.C
Note Achademicals Who are how Jeronimus love the just Scriptures in Theirs Illustreds Periods. Ministerials . in the best Vocations of the Holys Monges Reformateds . of Alexandries . and on Importand translated of the Leguage Koine Greek to the Inmemorials lenguages Latin Jeronimus . in their Days on importands Monges . and Dr in the firts Reformateds Phater . and on just Schollars in the Sacred Scriptures. in the Longs and firts and Faith Periods of the Centurys III- IV D.E.C
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