The Conciencies to the Christians Originals of the False.

Escrituras.jpgThe Pugneds is the just Christians  to Differentials Seudo -Christians. The Truth Not is Based in the Men. yeah not  in the  Divine and Faith person of  Christ Jesus .
descarga (51).jpgthe Conciencies today of Must person Inocents . permited Major Virtuditys in the Saviuor . that the False Christians Seudo Religiuon Today Not Existing Major Fraud in talls the Power Corrupted to Nivels of Liears . Religiuons . in the Seudo-Organizations . in tall power Masonical and not Spirituals . in mys Conciencies just and Sinceritys. this Asociated to the  Manipulators New Order Wordl . Askings only types of Falses Consept and Great Frauds. Socio Religiuons in the Conciencies of Must that ours Defence to Christ. that is ours Model of valors . in ours Pugneds. of the fraud. Asociated to the Causes Not inspirateds by the Order Divine of the Slavations yeah in the Great Fraud. in the Doctrines of the Men. in yuor possition. Anonimus. its is on of the Events . very Seriuos in ours Conciencies in ours just pugneds. to the Declarations of the Free Expretion . Associated to the Liberty Mind. and Conciencies Christians. today of the Fraud of the Organization Not christians  and that Occupy others interessing . in the Manipulations of the just Conciencies. today. in the Denegateds violation of the Humans Rihgts . Globals. and Statals . in the Actuallity .in the Rhigts Civil Reguisters.Universal in the Magnus Letters  in the  humans Rhigts . and the valors Principals of Christ in the holy Gospel of Jhon Champer 6  versicules  47. that the Seudo- Doctrines Not Based in the Originals Reguister Biblicals. 


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