The firts I Original Theach Based in Christ.

ImagenThe Originals Theach Christian Apologetycals of the Period of the firts Century I. in the Anno Domini 60- 63 is Based in ours lord  Saviuor Jesus Christ in the faith 14 letter in the New textament Greek.Originals in the Achademicals formations Theologals and Introducttory .  ¿ why  well in the firts I Century  in when are to the Firts Order . of the Missing. Apostolicals  {Apostolos} and {Apostelos } of the Originals Greek Koine in the Expretion of the Diccionary Exposed of vine. that permited on  just Studings Majors in the Declarations Formals Originals to Christ . and Not in the Hereticals Fountains of the Arrianismo Moderns. in the Actuallitys and in ours Conciencies to the Defence of the Bible. in yuor Originallitys. today.  in the firts Planus in the New textamen Occupy the Faith Person of ours Lord Jesus Christ in the Model Divine of Salvation and Redention Originals   in the Profhets and the Relateds of the Holys  Scriptures.  in the Formations Achademical . in the theology Based in the Divinity of Christ. of the Hereticals Fountains of Arrio. Apostelos is the just Funtion of Vocation and Comission Divine in christ to just Brother Primitives. in yuor Reallys Origings Apologetycals. Based in the just Doctrine Originals in the Scriptures. and the Defences of the Christians and  Apologetycals.  in the Affirmation and the Studings in the Manuscripted in therespective Koine classic. Apologetycals . in yuors Seriuos point Doctrinary. just. and in ours pudgne to the Biblicals  Repherentails Hermeneuticals. to different of the Error Hereticals.
in the century III D.E.C  in the formals Declaration Hereticals Anti Apologetycals in Arrio . di Alexandries. in the  Manys of  ones . of Mores  Longs Periods 1706 years  in the Seudo Doctrines  Arrianista  in Rome and the Conciliun. of Nicea.  in Questions  Respect to the Divinity of ours Saviuor and lord of the Truth.  to  the  Anti -christ. 


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