The Evangeluion is Eternals in Christ. in the Model Biblicals Originals Based in the one of the Studys in the major Interessings in the Scene of the Manuscriptes and the valors Spirituals. that in yuor love and Reallys Vocations Existings. in the Gospel of the Apostle Jhon in the Nexts Champert 3 versicule 16

in the trueth Respect to the Salvations Direct in the ours Lord Jesus Christ is ours Major Valors Geniunes in the defence of the Reallys Doctrine christians. and yuor Comandaments Divines. Not Eliminateds . in the holy laws. in direction to the Truth and the Salvation and the truth Eternals adsoluted. and just. in the Hours of This Moornings. to 08 50 AM of the Pacifics.Greenwhiths in ours huors . of the Day. and in My Defence to the Bible Adsolutamind and to ours Saviuor Jesus Christ incluyings to The Holy Day Original Sabbath. Biblicals 7 Day.
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