The Translations of The New world in the Holys Scriptures Views by Erudites formals in Russian.

the Analitys Exact of the Bible in the Comparation Reformades and yuor Lexicals . is part of on Just Investtigation of the Sir President and friend Putin. vladimir its in When to the Deformated translation the New World of holys Scriptures.
the president vladimir Putin . Investtigated the seriuos that is in its Types of Translation .
the Not only is Based in the Experts Canon Originals . in the Nexts Investtigation . of Incorrect Odservations. Not Direct to the Canon Biblicals Originals. in ours Conciencies . the Groups of translated in the Expert Russo. lenguages . in yuor Nexts Examinings in the Multy Lexicals . Not Direct to Originals translation Biblicals . in the Investtigations . and Similliars . topics. in the Study of the Originals Lenguages . Greek. Sextuaginte Vertion. and the Others Models . in the Arameics and Hebrews
this translation is very Distortionated . in the World Christains.
in the Scripture that not is Originals . to the Concordancies of the Odl Vertion Reformated of Luther and the phater Reformateds. in just Vocations. Experientials.

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