The Translations of The New world in the Holys Scriptures Views by Erudites formals in Russian.

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the Analitys Exact of the Bible in the Comparation Reformades and yuor Lexicals . is part of on Just Investtigation of the Sir President and friend Putin. vladimir its in When to the Deformated translation the New World of holys Scriptures.
the president vladimir Putin . Investtigated the seriuos that is in  its Types of Translation .
the Not only is Based in the Experts Canon Originals . in the Nexts Investtigation . of Incorrect Odservations. Not Direct to the Canon Biblicals Originals. in ours  Conciencies . the Groups of translated in the Expert Russo. lenguages .  in yuor Nexts Examinings  in the Multy Lexicals . Not Direct to Originals translation Biblicals . in the Investtigations . and Similliars . topics. in the Study of the Originals Lenguages . Greek.  Sextuaginte Vertion. and the Others Models . in the Arameics and Hebrews
this translation is very Distortionated  . in the World Christains.
in the Scripture that not is Originals . to the Concordancies of the Odl Vertion Reformated of Luther and the phater Reformateds. in just Vocations. Experientials.
Imagen relacionadaNote  the Sir President puntin in his  Translation Investtigation. Sends to on Gruops Expert of Schollars in the Texts Original Hebrew and  Aramaics.  in the Lenguages of New textament Koine Greek.Classic. to Originals Compilations . in its lenguages . Semiticals . in Their formals Examinations  of the Lenguages Originals . Semiticals in their Instruction. and ruler Originals . in Compilation to Lexical Russo. and others. types. of Lenguages. Originals. and like. in their Expretion.  


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