Isreal in Times of Babylon

The Greeks Historians. Herodoto and jenofonte Call this is Place The Great City of Valley Where the Caldeans Conquered to his Enemies. besfore the Births of Nabuchodozers Among the Nimrod.
in the where the Adorations . and Assur and marduk were Born these people gave Linages

Achademic Grade Note. The Acient Word for this is City of all the times in the Geography of Irak and Part of iran. is Babliu in the Acients Chaldean Lenguages than this Relatiohips Whith of Scriptures. in the Genesis Lenguages Confution Here was the City of Daniel in his just Adolesence. and Here was Wheere Belzazar Son of Great King Nabuchodonozer was taken Cautives and then his head Decapitated. Was Embedded in the Walls for the Birds of the Heavens. for their Desobdiences. Consumed it
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