Places of The New Textaments Studies V Part . Apologetycs

Resultado de imagen para el lago de tiberiades.the lake of  Tiberias.  in the Possition  and Vision Geo-NASA. lake  Tiberias. is on  of the Most Importands.  in the Vision of Inspirated Biblicals History. his Name is Geographically  located  in the Scriptures  in Honors of  Memorable Emperator Tiberius Graccus.  this lake is EyesWitness  to the Life  of the lord Jesus Christ
and Rigtheuos  firts Brothers  The Disciples  in the Days  of  the Emperator Tiberius. here  there  10 cities . called the Decapolis.
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in the Koine Greek lenguage Classic  Give Districs, Citizens   in Failhfull testimony.  of Illustred Historian Joshepus Flavius  Here the Conssagrated   Jews .  Where  Forbiddens   and Was.  By  laws. and the Hebrew.  Institutionals  Decreed  in the Divines Rulers  not to Visit   for his Extreme   sin far away  was Small Fhishing  populations Called   Galilei  a population of Humble   Firshermens  and families Simples


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