The Archeology and Ours Lord Jesus Christ. Studies . Bible . and Manuscriptes III Part

Resultado de imagen para jerusalenArcheology  and Ours Lord Jesus  Christ  Evidences Places. in the Firts  Centurys   and Thruhfulness of Biblicals  Apologetics   in these  Districs.
in the Conmemoratives Vision of Originals Christhianity
in isreal  there places  what today  they Are Vised  by  thuosand Turistics  and Archeologistics Experts  and Examples. the Territories Zones of Jerusalem.  Mores of   2. Thuosands  years Ago here is gestures the Salvation.  and Redention.  and  the Greates Prophecys   of the Times.
in the love to the  Holy Bible in ours Hearts.
Resultado de imagen para jerusalenin my Writter personal in today Memorials . in the Mores Greaters Love to Christ.
Note Achademics   Here his is odl place   its What Where  i Started the Greaters Divine Testimony
and Examples to the  News Generations.  that love the Bible in the just and  Healthy Doctrine of the Salvation in ours Lord Jesus Christ. in the Holys Gospels.


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