The Dessert of the Death Sea In times of lord Jesus.Christ. IV Studies Bible and Manuscripts

Resultado de imagen para el gran desierto de judea.
The Dead Sea Dessert  in the year Domini 39  E.C  the Great Dessert  of judea . in Extensive place. not only by the Romens Legions  if Not  for the Ecenius  Away  from of City Jerusalem.  to  Mores  than  15  thuosand  Km  of Miles  There  in the Highest  of   its Streamer hill  the Greaters  texts . and Manuscripts  in Animal Skins  where Kept  here Battles  where  Fuogth   Againts . The Rebels Zelaots  who  fougth  Against of Great Empire .  of all time Rome  in the Curse of years Domini 60-66 the Eceniuos  They  hide  at the Top  of the Hill the Rolls  Assigned  To Ishaias  in the Originals Copys. in the Discovery to 1.881  years in the last  of Centuy XX  Contemporanies.

Achademic Grades.  the Fears of Eceniuos Schollar.  allows  the Hides Rolls in the Habils Romen Legionarius  in just Dessition.  These Rolls  They  are Hidden  and Clay  jars  and Found.  in 1947  it is Believed  They Are part of the Time of  the Lord Jesus Christ.  in Exact Copies  very Odl  of Classic Period. of  the Kings of Isreal


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