The Study of Manuscript a Faitfhul Researchvs

bizzarro-mesianismo_4Q161.jpgThe Manuscripts  Commit   in ours love  for the Bible on Study   a  Faithful  in the Holys Research of  the Canon.  inspirated  And the Authentics Values of the Scriptures . in the perspicazy of Manuscripteds. in the line of Holy Canon. in the Vision perspectives of the  Christianithy  and historicals.
in ours Great Love by Christ. in the  Greats  Hope Divine of the Salvation and Redention  in the Researchs  just of the times. in The factor Educationals . Expositives . in ours  times to Generation  Nexts that Love the Scriptures . and Healthly Doctrine. in the  Biblicals  Exploration  of Canon and Manuscriptes. 
descarga (51).jpgJhon Knox  Instituted Schollaring Presbhisterian Miami Florida  United States of American  and Ibero American Barranquilla Col City . in the Investtigation and Apologetics Fields  Achademical Sourcess  Schollar Internationals. in the Theology Reformations. Studys. Dr Edgar Mizraith palacios isreali Colombian  and Dr . Paul  Mendoza juliuos  Profesors  Edgar David junior Son  and the Dr Yehudy Zalazar Avedaños presbhisterian Reformation Theology  internationals.  University of Indianapolis . Conextion Wesleyans The United States of American. and Ibero Americans  Theology Presbhisterian Reformations. Schollars. Achademics. lectives.  Educationals .    North -Universitary  in the Actual City Barranquilla. 


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