The Examination of the Bible and the textualizated Contexts of the texts in This Day at The Beginings of the Biblical Sabbath in the Study Apologetics and Thematicas of the Scriptures. in the Universitary Formations of the Manuscriptes Inspirateds . and the Canon in the Archeology.
in the Biblicals Formation in II Greats Suorcess the I .Archeologycals and the II Apologetics Based in the Vision of Museum Bristish Museum. and the Illustred Museun of Luvre in Paris. France. The Biblicals Reference Exposes Contexts Inspirators in His Divine Insigth Archeologycals
The Sacred contexts Direct us to the Greaters Harmony in the Bible and Archeology of the times.

The Followings vision and Study is Biblicals Contexts. of the Altars. in the Ancestors of lord Jesus Christ and the Example Abraham the Altars had Not Symboles and Nevers Figures and icones. the Acient Semites. Nevers used Icons in his Adorations. to the true God.

These Altars hands is Bigs Stones. and a Slaughter of lambs what the Geniune Prototypes. of a Sacred Great Sacrifice Mean was that of Christ in the times of New textament and the Acheology Contexts in the Texts and Book of Genesis
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