The Afthermoon of the Firts Day of the Week. in the Biblicals Instrucction. Achademicals.

The  Biblicals Education  Theologals  of this Afthermoon  Occupied  a Steep Interest  in the Bible and Menssage of the Truth in Christ.
Imagenthe Truth Eternal in the Values of the Biblicals Instrucctions . Apologetics . in the Bible and thiers Eternal Menssage of Love and values in the  Christians. Perspicazy of the Inmemorials Times . in ours Century Today Present . and the Vision Humble of that Love the Bible.  and the Original Education theologals . in the   just  Based Eternal to the Scriptures.  in the Theaching Eternals Based in the just Manuscriptes in ours  Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ . in the  Christianithys.  Vocations Based in the Scriptures. and the Healthy Conciencies . in the Defence of the Bible  in Everything the  Times. 


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