The Bible Tells. us Abuot Christ As Divine Authority.
From the Book of Genesis. to the last and inspired Texts. of Revelation the Eternal Fhater Yhaweh Gave his Divine Son. . a the Comission. is part of Divinity Supra Naturals Redemption and Beings to Gether Whith in the states of the Great Trangretions. in the Firts Father Adan and Eva. Allowed the Divine Supra Comission. of the Eternal times. in the Biblical Order.
is ours Divine and human.Saviuor in the Greaters Comission of the Times . in his Little Misnistery of 3 years and Medie. in the jerusalem . of the history Divine in times of the II textaments. and the Order of the Times Phrofetys in the conmission and Redemption. in the Truth of the scriptures . who are his Authority is the Lord Jesus . in his Divinity. Denied by the Adversarys. in the Healthy Conciencies. of So Must person Christians. today.
the Bible Never denies the Divinity of Christ only the falses Ideas . in the Contradictions. of the Adversary. in ours last Times. today in the Seudo- theachings Anti -Apologetics Not Christianthys. in the healthy Theachings and Truth Suorcess Biblicals. Inspirated in the Holy Spirit. Divine
Note in the word of the Greek Koine Classic - {Hypostasis } the 1 Natural Divine and 2 Human in the Revelation of the Holy Scriptures. and the healthy Conciencies , in the Old Vertion Greek Original. of the Times.
is ours Divine and human.Saviuor in the Greaters Comission of the Times . in his Little Misnistery of 3 years and Medie. in the jerusalem . of the history Divine in times of the II textaments. and the Order of the Times Phrofetys in the conmission and Redemption. in the Truth of the scriptures . who are his Authority is the Lord Jesus . in his Divinity. Denied by the Adversarys. in the Healthy Conciencies. of So Must person Christians. today.

Note in the word of the Greek Koine Classic - {Hypostasis } the 1 Natural Divine and 2 Human in the Revelation of the Holy Scriptures. and the healthy Conciencies , in the Old Vertion Greek Original. of the Times.
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