The Firts Century I and the Scriptures Global Study Perspective Biblisticals.

Imagen relacionadaIn the Days  of firts Centurys  Palestines  in the all Valleys of the Small   Isreal New Textamentarys .
There Were  Small  and Orderly  Synaguogues.  There Read  in Fear  and the Reverences. in the Lihgts of the Holy Profhets. intry the years Nexts 28-29 E.C  in the Sacred Ministery.   of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Synaguogues . had the  leader  who  I Shared   the Scriptures  yours Auditors.
listened  whith   Just Attentions
the Word Divine  Called in the Hebrew.Lenguage   {Thorah }  laws. and Other Expretion in his lenguages  Thanath   the Sacramental  Laws and the just Prophets
weere listeneds.
to Whith Great Attentions. in the peoples. Rejoiceds  in the Divine laws.  of this Wonderfull Canon.
From theirs Names is called  {Neblim}  and {Ketuvim}  the laws of the Rigtheous   Prophets. when the lord jesus Prayings. in the Sinaguogues  I quoted   Extrordinary   Chapter in the Inspirated texts Holy of the just Prophet Isahias.  in the Chapter 61. in the year 29  in the Humble Hebrew Province of Nazareth of Capernaum  in the Day Sabbath and the Order New Textamentarys.
Imagen relacionadaNote Achdemical Grade in the Year 28 -29 Tiberium Gracus . Was the  Romen  Emperator  in the Province of galilea. and the Son of the Herodez. Occupied the trhone of his Phater who was the Great Herodez Magnus. the Province it was. on local a province in  the Active of the power of the Romen in the Inmemorial Days of the Emperator Tiberum Gracus.
the Ilustruriuos Historian  joshepus  flaviuos   describes this is Provinces is very controvertials  Amongs  others Things Contradictory  due to  disbeliefs   of Some Similliarity  As the holy Gospel describe it
Many  of these Ancients Synaguogues.  Were Built  buy  Tributary Money. of Every Inabithants  of isreal by the order of Cesear Ovtavianus Agustus. in the firts Emperator Proconsular of the Romen Empire  .  who as Tolerant   and Also herodez. at the request of the People  and the Prietss and Princes  Mores of 30 years besfore of the firts Nativity of ours Humble Lord Jesus Christ. in the Modesty  province of the Small city  Bethelem. {Efratea}. in the lenguage Hebrew Arameis is Called Bethelem  fructifera


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