The Inspirated History and its Values in the Scriptures Mission Global Hermeneutics Educative. II Part.

Resultado de imagen para museo británico Manuscritos biblicos.All Texts of the Bible Exercises an  Order and Mentions.  includes  Passages Prophetics and  and their Meanings  These Are Importands.
Educationals Points.  in the University.  and Schollarizated Trainings in the Theme of the Educationals Vision. Biblicals. These Passage   allows Values  in the Biblicals Educations.  From of Book Exodus. to the Kings. and Prophets 
in the Christians. order in the Values of  the Spiritual  Life  and consagrated. Vocation just. to the Today News Gerneration that Love the Scriptures. in the Biblicals Examples. Divine that is Ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ. and All the inspirated history Divine. in the Humble Mission . Preparatory of the Sacred Scriptures . in the Examples of the Times .
in the Concordancies of the Order of the Canon in ours Lord Jesus Christ. 


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