The Intteresanting Datas in the Vision Biblical Studies.

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Imagen relacionadaThe Theologicals Study  of the Scriptures  Starts  from Others Researchs  in formal Educations. Thematics today.  in the Sacred History.  
Imagen relacionadaat the Archeologycals   point on Example   a  wise   is theirs Characters.  in the Texts Original Inspirated . to the Lihgts of the inspirations  Divine. in the Order Anthropology of the  Sacred History  in the Exploratory Vision and Parages . Profhetycals  in the Times . in that the inspired  and just Profhet Daniel. and in the line Inspirated .of the  Biblicals Pemsun . in the Know, in the Guide Divine . of the Ilustred Kings Cyrus the Greaters   in the Domain of the Great Persian   and the Raptura of the  Great Kindgom  of the Magnus King  Nabuchodonezer and his   Desobedient Son Belsazar oh Baltazar. in others Illustreds Translations. Biblicals. in the Contexts Inspirtaed . the Great this Characteristics.  that We See  in This Studies.  is Allows  and Analytis of Events.  in the just Nehemiah  and is this Original Inspirated Texts . of Biblicals Order  in the Values of the Scriptures.  and his Inspiration  in the Great History truth in ours love to the Bible. and the Times . and  the Nexts Generation Theologals in the Explendor of the Canon. the  only Foreig King  who Dominated  and  Obeyed  God  in the Scriptures   It Was of Great Nabuchodonozer for longs 43 years  of his  Death  his Son did not  take  the Example  of his Father   and for them Insurgents  died Horribly  Decapitated  These Peoples  were  and distingheds  Themselves   until  Their Today  Generation Actual .  of Ancestors  as the One
who Betrays   oh was Sublebas  Amongs Themselves  is Not  Enougths  Whith Decapitations. a if  his Hasppened  With  Belsasar  the Babylon   Rapture of Persian Habiles. in the Wars. and the Profhetys Inspirated.


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