The Old Culte profanes to Isis and Ege of the Romanism Study Based in the history and the Cultures and theirs Deny Biblicals.

The odl Profanes cult  Isis  and the Eges Romanism   in the Times Magnus Empire  Isis it is Was  in Iconography   Similiar of Odl Possition. of the Vestal Virgins.
Resultado de imagen para adriano emperadorin the Times Romen Emperor. in the years 200  D.E.C   This is of  Iconogarphy  is  described by the Ilustriuos e Inmemorials Historian  Hislop.  as  Simillarity.  to Worpsip  to Virgin  Maria  today not only  did the culte. of Queen of the  heavens.  if Not Others.  Types Existings.  Variant  types  of Virgines.
the Firts Vesta.  and the Second  Isis.  Part of the Masonery.  Secretly  Exposes   the Cult to Isis. who Comes. from of  Acients.  Adoration of the Romens.  in the Days the Emperors Dioclecianus and  Adriano   the Cult Was Replaced.
Resultado de imagen para isis diosathe Union of the doctrines in times of the Magnus Emperator Constantinus.  the Great .  each  Day   of the  Procession was by Isis.  a Triunfals  Procession.  Asociated by the religiosity Not Biblicals.  if Not  from Early times.  Even from Babylon and Egypt.
Note Achademics Grade . Adriano was Conmesurated Worshipers  of Isis  and his Generations. Even if  he when  out the Battlees.   he prayed  to the  Iconography  of Isis. for Adrian. as well  Dioclecian.
isis was Reflections.  of the Ancestral Divinities  in the times of the Activity of Romen Empire. isis Carried. in the his Hands  a  Baby   According to Acients.
Description. like the Egyptian. in the Past Times of Moses in the year 200 Existis just Christian . who love the Laws Divines . Respect to  the  Not  Adoration of its Gods iconographys  .in the Not Representation Divine . to the truth  God. in  the just Person from ours Lord Jesus Christ. in the lights of  the  Scriptures. 
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