The Vision in your Studie Divine. Part IV

The Vision in yours  Divine Studie  is the Concordancies. of All the Scriptures  Inspirated to the Lights of yuor  pages
today the Bible is the Higest Authority. that Others Comons Texts .  in Universal Literatures.  overcomes the PopolVuth   and Others Texts Sancritus.  of the India  in
its Greater Expretions.  and All aphanistics Heresy  Anti Apologetics that Existics on in the face of the Earth.  Incluiding Evolutionarys Texts  yet Others Types. Secullar Literatures. and  PSeudo Religiuons 
in the Explendor of the Lord Jesus  Christ that is who just  owner of the Truth. in the Biblical Rulers of Faith.
The Scriptures  have theirs Authority  is Christ  in the Definition of the Canon Biblicals 


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