Global Study firts Century. joshephus Flaviuos and Vespancian.
In My Nexts Reflextion and the Study of the Order in the Apologetics Sacred. in on testimony of Mores of the 2000 years in the Time Respect to the Ilustred and historian Joshepus flaviuos. Whith Respect to Mys Ancesters far in Based to his Humble testimony. in the year 66 D.e.C an in the Glimmerings truth That. between Statements. to Vespancian. Your Will. be Emperor. Being joshefus. to Brave Zeloat of the Son the Princess in isreal and Palestine. the Great Romens Opression
Joshefus is Made Free. in his Seriuos Declaration. formals when his told The Emperor. yuo will who Goberned Rome. and his People.
in the Times of the Explendors of Rome when the listenings. to Brave hebrew. These Words They Made and Great Values. to vespancians. on years later. Vespancians and his House were the familys Most loved By Rome . in the New Textamentary History . Extra -Contextuallity True.
in times . of the Dr and Rev Sir Willian Wiston. Anghlicanistic in the Line of the just Professor of the Scientific and Sir Issac Newton . in the translation of the Greek . in his Memory to the Exactly Lenguage Enghlist Vertion .
in the Study of the Manuscripteds Extra Textamentarys in the Culte City of London. England . and the Originals translation of the texts . in the Explendor of the Truth Based in the joshepus Flaviuos and others Writters in his Major Exautived . Formations . in the Archives Documentary Vaticani. in the Vocation to christ. and the history Extra Textamentary. in ours Sincere Study and Vision to ours lord Jesus Christ in his Really Present Testimony.
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