The Apologetic and the Inspirated Manuscriptes in Daniel and Ours Lord Jesus Christ. New Textamentary Events Part IV. Studie and Sacred Scriptures.

in the Acient Vertion of the Thorah and the Prophets in the Future Prophetics. Full filmets Ex-Author in the Constextuality Order . of the Historicals Period. of Compliance
Accordings to the Respected
Historian Joshepus Flaviuos. ocullars Wistness of the Historicals Act Within Jerusalem.
in the year Imperial 66 an a Years Laters They Nevers Tuoghts that Far aWay and the 7 Km and stadiums of the Distances Zones of the City Jerusalem. and its Inabithants Celebrateds the Conmemorative festival Easter Hebrew. While the Zeloats on the Others hands Extended . a War in Areas. of Jopata. and the Acient Hebron.
the Leguion of Cestius Galus . in Struglee for the Territorial Zones. in laters Sevent Thuosands men a Horse and Artillery Lihgts. in heavy others.
They Would Expose to jerusalem. to death whithout Compassion. if yuor Zeloast do not Surrender.

Arranges tower the Zeloast Began to Shoot Arrows and Darst this allowed a Wars. in open Wars Milies of theuosands ofours Brothers . Deaths There Betweem Men and childrens and Elderyns olds Breastfedings women. and those Survivors they fled far Away in the Famine.
over its Ruins in the Catapultes and Stakes Were Placed from the Green Trees of isreal.
to Slauthergs Jewist Rebels who Resisted
Note and History Apologetics the temple in when to the person of the Inmemorials Proconsul Titvs Flavius Nevers he opted by his destroy . ¿ why well in his Conciencies . and Memory . in the Wars intry Jewis and Romen . in the Center of the Hearts of the City . Holy . in the Conffetion to the Historian Joshepus Flaviuos . he did not want to Destroy the Sacred Temple in the Insight of Zeloat Rebels. Hi did this. in the Major Authority that is christ.
over its Ruins in the Catapultes and Stakes Were Placed from the Green Trees of isreal.
to Slauthergs Jewist Rebels who Resisted
Note and History Apologetics the temple in when to the person of the Inmemorials Proconsul Titvs Flavius Nevers he opted by his destroy . ¿ why well in his Conciencies . and Memory . in the Wars intry Jewis and Romen . in the Center of the Hearts of the City . Holy . in the Conffetion to the Historian Joshepus Flaviuos . he did not want to Destroy the Sacred Temple in the Insight of Zeloat Rebels. Hi did this. in the Major Authority that is christ.
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