The Apologetic in Our Christians Mission.

Resultado de imagen para the holy BibleThe Apologetic is on Importand Step. in the Christian Mission of the Times . and the Values to the Scriptures,  in the Educational Suorces .
in the Examinations of the Scriptures and the investtigation . Christian in Sacred Scriptures . and the Order of the Document  Sacred. Originals . in the history Inspirated of the Canon in the True . of the Times Respect to Ours Lord Jesus Christ.
that Occupied the Salvation and Redention. in the truth Biblicals . Based in the Canon . and the holys Gospels.
And in Everythings the inspirated History Based in the really Suorces of the True that respect to ours Lord Jesus Christ in the Scriptures . and the Reguister Inspirtaeds in the Genesis and the texts of Apocalysis and Revelations.
Incluiding to the Holys Profhets  in the Relation to Christ and the True Doctrine Christians. in the today News Generations.  in theology and canon, and study . of the Manuscriptes  and  the faith  Doctrine Christain Pure Based Originallity in ours Lord and saviuor Jesus Christ.
is the Total defences not only of the Bible if Not of the thesis Hereticals . in ours today Recuorses Christian and the Healthy  Postured of Conciencies in the Character of Investtigation deep and universal. in the defence of the Faith word of lord God  to the Confused Heresy.  Seudo.  -Auto theocractics   in the Seriuos point of Odservations . e Investtigation Christian. in the values to the Pure Healthy and trueth Doctrine Respect to ours true Lord and Saviuor Jesus of the possition Confuses of the Anti-Christ  in the Darks . theachings . in the  longs and Great and Seriuos  Centurys.  of Confution and Heresy.
the trueth Not is based in  the Auto -Chraticals  Seudo organizations . and Sects . Not Christian .  this trueth is Based in the Divine Person of the Lord Jesus Christ . in his Great Authority . and Concordancies in Everything the Manuscripts Eternals . is the Truth Suorces that is Christ that Quoted  of the Trueth  Based in the Holys and inspirateds Manuscriptes in Centurys . and Not is part of the Mens. that decietfully  deceive  Thuosands  of inoccent Peoples  on the face on the Earth  Guided by the Adversary in the Confution and  Destroy. in his Healthy Conciencies. today. ours Values is today to  Christ  forever. and Not to the Men. and yours  heresy  Uncovered.


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