The Apologetic Study Christ in the Eternals. Statutes

The  Divines  and Sacred  laws   Are part of Christ.  and the Divines Statutes  that in the Lights  of the Biblicals Canon . Never  Changes Incluiding the True Love.  Amongs  the Rihgteuos

and the true Christians.  in the Theologals Values . and Apologeticas inspirated. 
the Fields  and Exacts  Conmandament . 
 not only Incluyings the Justice and Values if not the  The Great Vocations . Spirituals . and the Just Comandaments . 
incluyings the Sabbath  
today in just Respect to The Greaters  Order of the Romen traditions . Culturals Incluyings to the Others  Congregations Protestantics . in the Line of Rome . and the Actual Comunity Chatholics Romens . and the Organizations . Seudo -Religions . in the Actuallitys . in his Deny Adsolutede to this Day Inmemorials.  . that if is Part of the Scriptures . in the Levels Eternals . in the Know  and Conciencies and Defences Apologetics .
in years of Investtigation Sacred . and Centurys in the Apologetics Divine of the just Firts Christians . to who were   Guigins the Eternal comandaments . in the Faith Eternals   of the Eges . just . and the Healthy the Bible.
 the Original Salvation  in others Congreagations .  According his Conssagrations. Personals . is Christ the defhinited Salvation Personal and individuals .
In Romen Papal Existed  Men that if they Reconoced . the Authority of the Sabbath . Incluyed Great Preladys . today Ekumenikus  .
in his Exact Study and Apology  Sacred.
the Sabbath is Besfore that Everythings Cuoncils  in Everything History an Example Trento , Efeso and Constantinople. in the Exactitudity of the history . Ekumenikals.  in the defence to christ and the Scriptures  in the  just  Prioritary and conciencies ,
today in the Actual Ponthificie of the Pope Francist. in his Major Respect and Humble love. in the Changes Ekumenikals . of the Council . of  the Nicea . 325 -326 D.E .C.  by order of the Emperator Magnus Constantinus .


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