The Apologetics Example of the Firts Christians.

In the Sucessives Period of the Ministry   firts Christians.  Had  a  Memorable  and Theologicals Apologetic  Between  the   Primitives Congreagations.  a  Example   in the Testimony  of Thimothy  who After  Death  of Paul. in the Year 63 D.E.C  Followed  Whith Cuorages.  the Sayings of christ. in the just territorys of asian Menor.  thimothy . is on Hero of Fiath Christian . in the Nexts Generations of the Humbles Men of Lord God . in Asian Menor . his Name is  it is Mencionated.  in the Book of the Mathyrs by the testimony .and Study of  the  Dr Jhon Foxe  Based in Joshepus flaviuos . in the   Apostlicals .Studies. in the contexts . history in based to testimony of the Marthyrs. in the History .
top the 33 -40 years thimothy . Continued the Ministery holy Apostolicals  in the eges of the Times . in Values . Adnegateds . and in the justices . Sacred.
in the Small Comunity . of asian Menor . in the in the Reverential Fear to the Holy Ministery . of the just men . in the {Apostolos }  Greek Koine Truth and comisionated in the Faith  Theachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. in the Example and   Christain  Vocation .  in ours Lord Jesus christ
Wise Characteristics of the Firts Christian . in the Nexts Model . Faith.
they Were Theologicals.  Values .  in response  to  These Values.  ith Was  Services.  of  the  Dar Wituot   Recivings in Special the  Widows.
Imagenand Orphaned Son. The Migthy Romen Empire.  Domine Great Part  of These Territories.  Cruelly. and on others Had  There Were. jealuos. Priests Profanes.  for  iths   Inabitants   in Asian Menor. and there  was Lot  of Poverty Phisys and Spiritual comflicts.
in the the years . 67 -69 . Greek and Rome in the All types of Comflicts
Obliviuos to Idolatry.  in its Greater Historical contexts.  Thimothy  was a yuong Superitendent  Christians  between the 45 year   olds   Ege.   the Christian were Seen,  as New thereat , to Idolatras. in these places. Becauses.,  the Ministry  grew  in Great Values  to Christ.


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