The Bible and the Arqueologicals. Mission. Study Canon and Apologetics Divine.

Resultado de imagen para canon biblico rollos antiguosThe Apologetics  and  Archeologicals Introducctions  in the  Manuscriptes  is a Contribuitions. of the Studies  on Trueth and the Archeologicals Files . in the Biblicals Vision Apologetics and the Concordancies Divine . in the Canon .  and Manuscripted   Based to christ. and the History Sacred in the texts . Divine. in the Holys Scriptures.
the Basis of this Study is the  Originals center  that is ours Lord Jesus Christ.
and the chronology of the His Ancestors. in the Biblicals Mission. Apologetics . Biblicals . in the Canon . and Manuscriptes.
the Introducction of the Canon is the historials Basis in the the Anales . and Discoverys in the Defences to the Scriptures .
is the True Canon . in the hands of Experts . and  just Studies in Archeology Biblicals . Achademicals . in the Passages of the Sacred Scriptures. and the Vision of the Peoples Besfore of the Nativity of ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ.
in the II  Greats Importands Copys . Masoretics . in the Values of the Biblicals Mission Exuatived in the Analitys Textuallitys . in the Sacred Scriptures . and the Originallity of the Copys to the Nexts Translations . Hebrews Canon Aramaics  Greek of the Koine Type Classic , in the Seriuos Studies Apologetycals New -and odl textamentarys.
in Sacred Scriptures and the Biblicals Vocations. Hermeneutics. in the Pemsun of the Bible Originally  in the Healthy Theachings. Inspirated of the History and his Major Center  that is  Christ the Lord.
Note Achademicals Grade . the instituted Apologetic of isreal Respect to the Consservation of the copys Exacts in the Canon . Biblicals Today is on of the Importands Suerces. and Studys . in the actaullity. and  the Canon Pre -Scripture Primitive. of the Century  Firts  I -II   and in Times of the just Profhets of isreal . and the Basis in the Study Masoreticals. Primitives . in the Deep  Center in  Masada. . in the Investtigation and Copys. in the Vertion Hebrews. in the Exuatived Study . Vocationals Achademicals Schollars. Expert. fields in the Archeo-Phaleografhy. Divine. 


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