The Eclesiatical Documents in the First Christian Based in the files Vaticani Library . in the History Vertion Part Global Study and Apologetyc. Reformation

ImagenThe Eclesisticals  Documents of the Hebrew Historian Latin  Joshepus flaviuos . in the First Christians. Based in the Files Di Vaticani. Di   Library.
The Followings Documents.  is Based  in the Reguisters and the  Order di li Vaticani.  in Greater love  and respect , for the Person of  the  Pope Francist   and the Original Base. in the Scattology  Historials intro of the Firts Fields in the Firts Comunitys  and Congregations Christians. in the Order Historials.
and Study in the Eminents Historian Hebrew Latin Joshepus flaviuos .  Betweem Protestantics Reformations.
the Continue of These Documents.  are Really. true .
the testimony and the historial Contexts  of the time and the Nexts Eges. in the Study of the Holys Firts Martyrs Christian in  the City of  Rome and Asian Menor and  Jerusalem.
in My Appointenments  to the  Illustrurios .Historian Joshepus Flaviuos. who lived his  last years . and traveleds.  to  Manys Places .  of the Contexts of Romen Empire.  and the testimony of the Whitsnesess  of the Comunitys . in Theirs Days. 70 to  the year in that Death 101 D.E.C    in the Seriuos Related of his Yuongs in  jerusalem .  and the Testimony of the Firts Christian . who are Death  Martyrs.  in Asian Menor Jerusalem and Rome . Not Reguister in the Scriptures . if not Know. in the Files . and  the testimony Writter of the Inttelligents Historain Joshefus Flaviuos . Ben Matthiayu  Son of Humbles Priest in Jerusalem . in the longs Period Romen. Historials .
in the Chronologys of years 33-50  to - 67 -and last 70. D.E.C
in the  history  and  Reguister 
intry the just Men of Lord God in the Proscriptions. of the history and the Martyrs . just .
in the Eges of the Time. Joshepus lived in Rome . in All his life . and Travelings  to All part of the Zones and districs  of the Empire Romen. incluying Asian Menors . and jerusalem . and Pella. in his Investtigation and the Order of the Emperator  Vespancian. and the Assignature of the General . and Future Emperator years laters of the Death  of his phater   Titvs Flaviuos .  
Comisionated to the just Historian Hebrew latin Flaviuos Joshepus . in the Investtigation  and the Order of the Events . in  the history Inmemorial jerusalem . and Rome. and othres Types of Investtigation . and Apologetics Hebrew Old Textamentarys. and his Nexts Generation . and Recoopylatives  Files.

Note Achademical Grade . Firts I  Part. The Visionary Historian Flaviuos Joshefus Livings Longs Years of his Life personal in Rome and Travelings . in the reports of the Investtigation in the Order of the  Imperials House  of the Proconsular Vespancian . and theirs Sons. in the Fredooms  of on Great historain.  in Admiration and values by the Old and inmemorials House of vespancian . in the lights of theirs Days. . 


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