The Historian and Eclesiaticals Files II Part Global Study.

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Afther of the Destrucction of Jerusalem.  Joshepus.  is Extraodinallity  Forgivens.  by the Eminent  Emperator Titus Vespancianus. and  he   is a Foreigener  and Illustruriuos Citizents  for the Romens.
he lived longs years. Elder in Rome   and I travels  and Wrote   and I Dedicates his in life Memorys. of Isreal  and his Noble Ancestors.  I Speak  Not only of the True testimony of the Firts Christians. but Also. of the  Emperors.  and Proconsuls.  Who  were   part of the Apostolics Testimony. Missionary.  of the Acts in jerusalem.
joshepus Cited to the Gobernator festus  and his Nexts Homologue. Marcus  Agripa.   and give to Seriuos .
Testimony.  how.  They Perished   Agrippa. Perishes.   Wiht of Circus.  years laters.  by Order of Emperator Adrianus. in theirs Horribly Death in the Circus intro of  the Best    and Small  Datas.  like drussilla.   and jewist of   Noble Stock    Who Whas  Adudted  in Adultery. and their Son . respect to His Phater Festo.  She Dieth in the City in the Greaters dangerus Pompey   in the Eruption  of Vulcanus Called Herculanum.  in Following Names Vesubiuos. 
othres Men and Women . in the Life and holy Ministery of ours Lord Jesus Christ . Herodez Antipartus . Death in the Total Cladestinitys . Deep he and his Wife . .in the Order of Emperator Galigula Botitas.
Resultado de imagen para festo.proconsul de los primeros cristianos.Joshefus flaviuos . besfores . in his Illustred Vision of Life . Belonge to the Jewist Royal Rebelions.  in jerusalem. in the year Domini 66-70- D.E.C .  and aFiar Inttelectual Reporter in Great honors. in his time Admirated by the Emperator and theirs Son inthe house of the flaviuos . years  laters . of the Wars Continueds intry Jewis and Romen.
and wrote Respect to the Divine person of the Lord Jesus Christ in Great personal Oblations. of  love and justice. the Harmony of the Times. and in the  just conciencies. of love and values. Christianthys


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