The History and Contexts of New Textaments in the Apologetics of the Times . Study Globals.
the contexts of the Divine word in the Lord God . in the New Textament . in the Sacred Activity Apologetics . in defence . to Christ.
and in the Period New textamentarys . in the Activity Christian . in the Based to the Firts Comunity of ours Primitives Brothers to the Lihgts of the Holys and Inspirateds Scriptures .Asian Menor and rome . Incluyings others Citys and Districs.
Theys . Listened in the just Attentions . and Love . by the order of the word Divine in theirs Hearts . in the Trueth in ours Lord Jesus Christ.

in the Period 63-to 67 the Just Son Holys . of the lord in his Humillity Ministery. Theys . in Prayings . in the Chatacumbes.
here in the Chatcumbes . the firts Chrsitian true in the century I. love in values the justice and the love to christ. and on Identifhication . and Signal . the {Ituox} - {IXOYE} in the Signal to Christ. the lord .
this Signal . is Reflected. in the Olds Chatacumbes. in Rome . in the testimony of the Silent. and the healthy conciencies.
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