The Study of Archeology and Mission.

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The Study is  a  Basis  in Biblicals . Mission . Archeo Antrophology in the  Inspirated Canon. in the Revelations Divine that is Part of the Bible and the Canon . in the Inspirated Study Apologetics .

in the Canon. Biblicals. that Ecerxises on Point of Repherentials . in the  Original  Study of the Scriptures   and part of the canon inspirated in the Old Textaments. and New Textament.s in the II Great Harmonys . in the Seriuos Studie Based in the Order of the Lord Jesus Christ.   and the Vocations of the Study Divine in  The  Sacred Scriptures.
in the inspiration Divine and Thematicals in the texts Inspirated. and the Copys Originals. in the Futures Translation . in this Century XXI. and in the Actuallitys . Bibles . in the Study .Based in  the lord Jesus Christ. in the lihgts Eternal . of the Basis Archeo Biblicals . in the Models Inspirated of the scriptures . and the  Graet Instrucction originallity Christianithy in ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ. in the Vocation Humble of the Times and today.
in ours Heart and conciencies . in the futures Discoverys Beyonds in isreal . and part of palestines. Today . 


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