Christ ours Greaters Hope.

Resultado de imagen para the bibleThe lord Jesus is ours Greater Hope Divine  he is the Center of the Scriptures . in the Vision of the All the Times  and the Eges .
Jesus Christ is ours major Suorces of Values . in the Vision Christians Faith . Today and in  Longs centurys.
in the values Christian . and the Possition of the true  in the Bible Differents to the  Humans  Possition  and thesis . Seudo -Doctrinaries . Not  Inspirated in the Order Divine of the times. the 
true is ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ. in the Eternity in this Just Reflection and Sincerity . in the Infinity Love to the Scriptures. Jhon 14 v 6
all the Sacred history Divine . is part of ours Lord Jesus in the Model faith . in the Sacred Proposed Spiritual and in Ours Just Conciencies . in ours Lord  and Saviuor Jesus Christ. in ours times . and in the beyond Eternity. 


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