The History and Spirtual Proposed first Day of the Week.

Resultado de imagen para the bibleThe Theologycal Accuracy in the Scriptures   is ours Main Proposed   in  the Lord  Jesus   Christ in the Harmony of all the Divine history . of the Scriptures . and the Values in the Proposed Divine. in the Manuscriptes and the texts and the Vision Hermeneutics in the Study of the Bible. and the Love by ours Vocationals . Vision that is Part of the Lord God . in the History Divine and Apologetics . in Healthy Doctrine Christain. Faith. in the level of the Study Respect to the Proposed Divine . and the Faith Model that is ours Lord Jesus Christ in the Eternal Eges.  and the Centurys
Imagenin the Vocation Spiritual . of the Life Christian Faith by longs Generations . to    ours Lord and Saviuor  Jesus  Christ.


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