The Inmemorial Causes of the Study of the Scriptures in the II Greater Wars of the Worlds Dedicated to European and North America.

Resultado de imagen para la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la BibliaThe Study of the Sacred Manuscriptes in the Regardings  Great Wars of the World   It Was  one of the Changes Between  The Officers  And Soldiers   Amongs Alliateds  Forces   in 20th  Century 
and Prospectof the New Generations of the history in ours Century Present .
is on Fair Theachings Not Only theologals . if Not just   in the Firts Suorcess intro of the England and United States of America.
in the vision Biblicals . and the Hope intro of the Just Soldiers . Alliateds in the History  of the Eges . in the Second Great Wars of the Worlds
in the 1914 -1918   and intro 1939-1945  in Special . England . and United States in the Readings . of the Bible.
Resultado de imagen para la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la Bibliaand the Holys Manuscrptes. in the Apology. of the the reflextion of theHolys History Sacred.
What Strenhened  the Allied  forces .  in Command   was not only the Militarys Instrucction  Was of Holy Scriptures   in the Apologetic instrucction .Divine Personal the Study and Reflextion respect to lord God.
Note  Achademic  Grade  the Study Personal in the Solodier in the Menssager Divine of the Scriptures . Help in the Fields Militarys . in theirs Sources historials . Not only the Instrucction Militarys . 


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