The Masoretic Texts in the Biblicals Dicipline. First Day of the Week. Vocationals Study I Part.

Resultado de imagen para jonas atalaya
Resultado de imagen para Cristianismos de los primeros Siglos Atalaya..The Studies of the Pre -Christian Centuries Before of he Period Ministerial  in ours lord Jesus Christ. in the First Day of the Week. Comon .
in the texts of the Minor Profhets   in the Concordancies of the Manuscriptes . and the inspiration Divine . is on of the Studys in the Nexts  II Points . in the Order and Chronology . in the Line Sacred. in the Old Textaments  in the Minor Profhets . and the Apologetics Divine in the Sacred Scripture and the Context Hermeneutic. in the Dicipline of the Canon. Biblical in the Vertion Hebrew - and Arameics . Besfore of the Translation by the 72  Elders , in the pages of the Sextuaginta Greek of the Koine. Classic in Times of the Century III -to the Nexts Century IV. D.E.C  
in the Events of the palestine  in the Times Jeroboan King  of isreal in the Greater Apostacies. and the Proscriptions of the Culte True  to the Apostates Culte of the Criatures . in his Rebelions. .and  Disobediencies.
the texts Historial in theTimes of the Kings Asyrian. today in the Zones and territories that part of the land jorsabah . today Irak. this is Zones  Incluyings  the values in the Exact Vocation of the just Profhet. in the Geo Zones NASA in the True of the Act in the Biblicals Scene . of the Eges. in the vision of the Major Authority Christ . in the Scene New Textamentary . Inspirated in the Paralelles of the Manuscriptes. in the Canon . and Study Divine in the Sacred Scripture. 


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