The Schollar Manuscripte Divine. in the Inspirated Study.

is the True Sources in the Vision Biblicals in the Healthy Doctrine Christian . Faith . in Years and textuallity Researvchs Inspirated. in the Reformation . and the Originals Vertion . and Translation Biblicals . in the Divine and Formal Information. in the Canon Hebrew and Arameics. and the Canon Greek Koine. in the Biblicals Vision . and the Fair Manuscriptes. Holys. in the vertion Hebrews in the Actuallity Funtion Originals . in the Thorah and the Misnah. intro of the Kethuvines . and Shofherines in the texts Sacred. and the Visuallization of the Study of the Canon Inspirated . in the Order Christianity.
in the Coopylation of the Order Archeo Paleografhy Sacred . in the texts . Olds. in the Prepartive Information . Divine of Canon. Biblicals. in the Times I Century and the Longs Period in the Proscriptions. historials the Firts Christian . theys . in the Odservation in the faith and the values in the Divine and Humillity Person of ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ in the vision Biblical Ministery Apostolical in the Greek Koine {Apostolos ..}. and the Comission the {Apostelos..}. Greek. Men in the Conssagrations and values . Christians Faith.
the Different of the Adversary Seudo {Apostolos..} . in when are the Falses Theachings . Not Based in the Possition of ours Lord Jesus Christ in the Firts times of the Past . Inmemorial to Ours Today Times Present . the Types of Falses Doxologies Christian They Are not Based in the Original Doctrine in Christ. and the False Order. Not Christians.
in the Possition of the revition of the Manuscripted Sacred. Originals . in the translation . by the Firts Reformates Phaters . in the Nexts Centurys. from Studys. and the Canon. Sacred,
1 Arrianism. -others types Heregias . in view and Study . denegated in Greater Confution of Patrons. Hereticals.
2 Sabelianismus.
3 these types of Heresys . in the Formals Philoshopies . Based in the Old Culte Aghnostics in the Total Negation . of others point Seriuos in the Vision Original Biblicals. Inspirated. and Sacred. these Types of Theachings . Beginigs . in the Longs Period of the Divition of Great Romen. Empire. in Nicea . and and the distric of Constantinopla today Stambul in the local turkey . in the Nexts limited and Zones Territorial of the European and Asian Menor Old.
Note the Odl Greek Kwen its types of Doctrines . in the Firts Possition . Not Christian in Based To Epicureus. on Odls Philoshofhys Acept by Arrio. in the Century IV. D.E .C. in the Sacred Olds Period in The Emperator Constantinus Magnus. in the Council of Nicea. in the Order of the history Inmemorials Eclesiaticals. the Phater Reformates Never Accept the Theachings Arrianims, and Nevers the Firts Phater and Elder in the Apology. Divine. Atanasios . and Saint Policarpus. who Died Martir. in the faith Conmission Ministerial. of the Times.
in the Coopylation of the Order Archeo Paleografhy Sacred . in the texts . Olds. in the Prepartive Information . Divine of Canon. Biblicals. in the Times I Century and the Longs Period in the Proscriptions. historials the Firts Christian . theys . in the Odservation in the faith and the values in the Divine and Humillity Person of ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ in the vision Biblical Ministery Apostolical in the Greek Koine {Apostolos ..}. and the Comission the {Apostelos..}. Greek. Men in the Conssagrations and values . Christians Faith.
the Different of the Adversary Seudo {Apostolos..} . in when are the Falses Theachings . Not Based in the Possition of ours Lord Jesus Christ in the Firts times of the Past . Inmemorial to Ours Today Times Present . the Types of Falses Doxologies Christian They Are not Based in the Original Doctrine in Christ. and the False Order. Not Christians.
in the Possition of the revition of the Manuscripted Sacred. Originals . in the translation . by the Firts Reformates Phaters . in the Nexts Centurys. from Studys. and the Canon. Sacred,
1 Arrianism. -others types Heregias . in view and Study . denegated in Greater Confution of Patrons. Hereticals.
2 Sabelianismus.
3 these types of Heresys . in the Formals Philoshopies . Based in the Old Culte Aghnostics in the Total Negation . of others point Seriuos in the Vision Original Biblicals. Inspirated. and Sacred. these Types of Theachings . Beginigs . in the Longs Period of the Divition of Great Romen. Empire. in Nicea . and and the distric of Constantinopla today Stambul in the local turkey . in the Nexts limited and Zones Territorial of the European and Asian Menor Old.
Note the Odl Greek Kwen its types of Doctrines . in the Firts Possition . Not Christian in Based To Epicureus. on Odls Philoshofhys Acept by Arrio. in the Century IV. D.E .C. in the Sacred Olds Period in The Emperator Constantinus Magnus. in the Council of Nicea. in the Order of the history Inmemorials Eclesiaticals. the Phater Reformates Never Accept the Theachings Arrianims, and Nevers the Firts Phater and Elder in the Apology. Divine. Atanasios . and Saint Policarpus. who Died Martir. in the faith Conmission Ministerial. of the Times.
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