The Study and Prayer . in the Sacred History .

The Study and  Prayer  the Whole Divine History  Exercises  Authority  and study and Sacred.  Texts From  of the Phentateuch  to the Profhest  they Agree in the Light  of the Holy Manuscripts
in the Example   of the times.  God Speaks  thruoght of the Bible. he Speak  to us  when we
Read the Holy Regusiters
Imagen relacionadaAlthuogh   for Thuosands   of theologians Schollars.  Criptic and   Eceptics,  these histories.  they Passed.  and the accordings. to their falates  theories   They were only of Myths types   they Are Stills  Alives.through  the canon. and The prayers  they Come Alive   in the time inspired 
Reguistrations.  and All Eterrnity if Not the Sacred Life of All on Generation just . and inmemorials in the Holys Scriptures . and the canon . in Christ  dewell is them.
in All their Glory and Fullnes  For Me  the Bible  is on Greater Transure  of value  and for Many hope  Livings  for ours Lifes.  in christ.  Jhon  Chapter  5 -39  to - 40


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